We are developing new products while considering how we can reduce our environmental impact.
Developing Sustainable Surfactants
The history of Kao's laundry detergents reflects our constant drive to improve cleaning power while also reducing environmental impact. Water usage and doing the laundry are deeply connected. As such, the development of a revolutionary concentrated liquid detergent that offers improved cleaning and uses less water has added a new page in the history of liquid detergents.
Developing Cucute and Bath Magiclean
Water has a vital role to play in everyday household tasks such as washing dishes or cleaning the bathroom. Kao is helping to conserve water via its products that clean and rinse using small amounts of water.
Developing Eco-Friendly Admixtures for Concrete
Concrete is an essential material for building social infrastructure such as skyscrapers, highways, and bridges. Kao is applying the results of research in surfactants science to the development of high functioning chemicals with minimal environmental impact for use in civil engineering and construction.
Developing Eco-Friendly Water-Based Ink
Using proprietary technology, Kao has made various technological breakthroughs in IT materials.
Recently, Kao has developed LUNAJET®, the world’s first high quality water-based pigmented inkjet ink. This ink is eco-friendly and safe for use in plastic film printing for food products.