We believe it is our responsibility to protect a healthy global environment and pass it on to the next generation to “realize a Kirei World in which all life lives in harmony”.
We promote environmental conservation through a variety of initiatives, including support for local environmental activities and environmental education for children, the future leaders of our society.
Since 2010, we have been inviting children from all over the world to submit works that express their thoughts on the environment and the future, and to exhibit the winning works in the hope that they will inspire people around the world to take actions toward sustainable lifestyles.
In collaboration with the Center for Environmental Education and Communications (CEEC) of China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Kao supports university students working to improve environmental issues and participates in events.
Employees and university students participating in activities
We have joined the “Rhine Clean Up” community and are actively involved in litter pickup.
Volunteer employees and their families who participated in “Rhine clean-up day”
We engage in environment conservation activity in Thailand where rapid deforestation is becoming a social problem.
Tree-planting activities in northern Thailand
We support local activities in Japan aimed at preserving nature for the purpose of creating a nature-rich environment in our surrounding areas.
Employees planted trees alongside local children