We define risk as the effect of uncertainty on the achievement of our management targets and the execution of business activities. The Risk and Crisis Management Committee has established a system and activity guideline for risks that result in threats and the state of crisis, which is the materialization of risks. Each division and affiliate conducts risk management based on these activity guidelines. In the event of a crisis, we launch an Emergency Response Team according to the severity of the emergency to minimize physical damage and financial losses. The Management Board reviews risk and crisis management activities, and the Board of Directors approves them. The Internal Control Committee confirms the effectiveness of risk and crisis management activities.
The Risk and Crisis Management Committee and the Management Board have selected 15 particularly significant risks as the “main risks” that could have a negative impact on its sustained profitable growth and contribution to the sustainability of the world. Among these main risks, the Kao Group determines themes for and addresses risks that would have a major impact on management and require an enhanced response as “corporate risks”. The Management Board decides upon risk themes and risk owners (Executive Officers) based on its analyses of an internal risk survey and the external environment as well as interviews with management, and the Risk and Crisis Management Committee manages progress.