Kao believes it is important to coexist with diverse communities to build a sustainable society.
Engaging with a diverse range of communities, we are promoting activities that support the local community, address social issues, and provide assistance to young people who will shape the future.
We organize concerts in the areas where our business sites are located to promote local people’s contact with live music and foster a love of music. This concert has received the Mecenat Award every year.
Artists performing in Wakayama
Kao Japan supports the Tokyo Music Competition, which was established by the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan in 2003 to discover, foster, and support the young gifted performers aiming to start their independent career as an artist.
21st Piano Division Award Ceremony
We support K-BALLET YOUTH, a junior-company established by Tetsuya Kumakawa, a world famous ballet dancer.
July 2022 performance of "Don Quixote"
Kao Japan supports the development of social entrepreneurs who attempt to solve social issues with business approaches in order to pass a better society on to the next generation. Partner: ETIC.
Entrepreneur giving a presentation
We are committed to social inclusion and aim to further the popularity of boccia as a way to encourage the full and equal participation in society by all.
Boccia balls