Shareholder Information

Ordinary Shares (As of December 31, 2023)

Number of Issued Shares: 465,900,000 shares
Number of Shareholders:        191,551

Change in Number of Shareholders

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
55,234 72,078 123,029 170,563 191,551

Distribution by Shareholder Type

Pie chart showing distribution by shareholder type as of December 31, 2023: 36.13% by financial institutions, 35.55% by companies and individuals in foreign countries, 15.61% by individuals and others, 7.76% by securities companies, 4.93% by other Japanese companies, and 0.02% as treasury stock.

Change in Distribution by Shareholder Type

Bar graph showing change in distribution by shareholder type over the past five years. In 2023, companies and individuals in foreign countries increased by 0.77 points, while individuals and others increased by 0.28 points, compared to 2022.

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