Responsible Chemicals Management


Kao believes that it is important for people around the world to enjoy the benefits provided by chemicals and to have safety and peace of mind in society with the proper management of the risks of chemicals. Through its ESG (environmental, social, and governance) initiatives, Kao will take the lead in responsible chemicals management to help realize a sustainable society.

ESG keyword

  • Post-SAICM (GFC : Global Framework on Chemicals)
  • Risk assessment of chemical substances
  • Lifecycle management of chemicals
  • Risk communication about chemicals with stakeholders

Contributions to the SDGs

Looking ahead to 2030, Kao is focused on the SDGs that have been agreed upon and adopted by the international community. As indicators for realizing a sustainable society, the SDGs set forth an integrated approach for improving the economy, society and the environment. Contributions by companies are considered extremely important to achieving the SDGs.
As indicated below, we are working to address the Kao Action topics set in the Kao ESG Commitments and Actions with the aim of achieving the SDGs.

Corresponding Sustainable Development Goals

SDGs GOAL 3:Good Health and Well-being

SDGs GOAL 6:Clean Water and Sanitation

SDGs GOAL 12:Responsible Consumption and Production

SDGs GOAL 14:Life Below Water

SDGs GOAL 17:Partnerships for the Goals

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