This is the foundation that supports the three pillars of My Kirei Lifestyle: “Making my everyday more beautiful,” “Making thoughtful choices for society,” and “Making the world healthier & cleaner.” We will promote the following seven Kao Actions so that all Kao employees can walk the right path at all times, and by conducting our business activities with sincerity and integrity, we will help people around the world lead beautiful lives.
Kao is constantly reviewing its highly transparent corporate governance practices in order to become Kao, a company with a global presence. As an integral part of these efforts and the foundation of our corporate activities, we act in accordance with the law and ethics, and conduct our business activities with integrity while responding to changes in society. This policy is positioned as the first item—walking the right path—of the “VALUES What we believe in” of the Kao Way, our management philosophy, as the teachings of our founder, and we will continue to steadily carry out our business and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies in accordance with this policy.
Through product transparency Kao aims to build stronger trust with consumers. We believe that sharing information consumers need in a suitable and easily understood way is important if they are to make the right choices for themselves and lead rich lives. We disclose information in a timely manner through our websites and various opportunities to engage with stakeholders.
We support and respect international rules relating to human rights, and have developed the Kao Human Rights Policy, which is based on the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and are working to achieve zero human rights violations in all of our corporate activities. The Kao Human Rights Policy was first published in 2015, and was revised in 2021 with the approval of the ESG Managing Committee, which is supervised by the Board of Directors, to reflect social trends and express Kao’s commitment more strongly. The policy targets all business activities, including M&A and new projects.
We firmly believe that fostering a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive workplace is the key to advancing innovation, driven by the exchange and incorporation of differing perspectives. This starts in our workplaces, together with our business partners and communities, towards realizing a Kirei Lifestyle for all.
The mental and physical health of our employees, which is the source of our business activities, is the foundation of an environment that promotes better work and is an important factor in maximizing individual growth and organizational strength. Kao will promote Health and Productivity Management® to maximize the power and potential of employees, and will also provide good examples of this approach to workplaces, communities, and consumers.
For a company to become stronger, the vitality of employees who are excited to work is essential. We strive to enhance our corporate culture, through which each of our diverse human resources has great ambition and the drive to take on challenges with dedication. As part of our corporate responsibility, we will provide a better work environment and opportunities to support employee growth.
Kao believes that it is important for people around the world to enjoy the benefits provided by chemicals and to have safety and peace of mind in society with the proper management of the risks of chemicals. Through its ESG (environmental, social, and governance) initiatives, Kao will take the lead in responsible chemicals management to help realize a sustainable society.