Responsible Chemicals Management Promotion Policy

Kao has actively promoted voluntary chemicals management in accordance with SAICM* as a group-wide activity.We believe in a safe society where people around the world can enjoy the benefits provided by chemicals with peace of mind. To that end, the risks associated with chemicals should be properly managed. Through its environment, society and governance (ESG) initiatives, Kao wants to take the lead in responsible chemicals management to help actualize such a society by 2030.

  • *
    SAICM: Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (Strategy agreed to at the first International Conference on Chemicals Management held in 2006)

Minimize environmental impact throughout the product life cycle

Facilitate sustainable product development through collaboration across whole product life cycle (procurement of raw materials, development, manufacturing, distribution, sales, use, disposal/ recycling) 

Optimize risk assessment methods for efficient chemicals management

Improve assessment methods through collaboration with the government, academia, and related industries for the sound chemical management and minimization of risks for human health and the environment in society as a whole

Foster community safety and a sense of trust by having zero chemical accidents

Strengthen chemical risk management through whole product life cycle (procurement of raw materials, manufacturing, distribution and disposal) and ensure community safety and trust via communication

Make information on chemicals’ benefits and safety available in an accessible and easy-to-understand way

Share information on chemicals’ benefits and safety with stakeholders in society

Effectively communicate with all people around the world to earn trust

Facilitate effective communication with all people around the world by keeping their diverse values and lifestyles in mind

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