Basic Information on Mosquitoes

Mosquito-borne Infectious Diseases

The mechanism of mosquito-borne diseases and pathogen transmission is explained.

Mosquito-borne infections

Mosquitoes cause diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, and Japanese encephalitis. These diseases are caused by the pathogens listed in Table 1 [1]. When a mosquito bites a human or other animal infected with these pathogens, the pathogen is transferred to the mosquito and propagates inside the mosquito. When a mosquito that has propagated a pathogen in the body sucks blood from another person, the saliva of the mosquito is transferred to the human body and the human is infected with the pathogen (Figure).

Table 1: Mosquito-borne pathogens and disease names

Disease name Pathogen Primary vector mosquitoes
Dengue fever Dengue virus Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus
Malaria Plasmodium malaria Anopheles
Yellow fever Yellow fever virus Aedes aegypti
Japanese encephalitis Japanese encephalitis virus Culex pipiens
Zika fever Zika virus Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus
Chikungunya fever Chikungunya virus Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus

Figure: Mechanism of pathogen
transmission by mosquitoes


  • [1]
    Sumangala BK., Aravind G. (2017) Evolution, current status and prospects of phyto-repellents against mosquitoes. Int J Pharmacol Phytochem Ethnomed, 8:54-73
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