Comprehensive consumer-driven systems of quality assurance management
Kao’s Quality Management Committee, part of the Internal Control Committee, determines Kao’s company-wide policies and key measures pertaining to quality assurance, and ensures the effectiveness and reliability of company-wide quality management activities. In addition, our Product Quality Management Division, responsible for overall quality assurance, oversees and promotes activities to bolster quality.
Customer views obtained through communication with consumers form a central part of Kao quality management activity assessments. Each Kao business implements comprehensive consumer-driven management systems to assure product quality. All relevant divisions, including Business, R&D, Product Quality Management, Procurement, SCM, Sales and Consumer Communication Center work together to implement comprehensive quality management for each business unit based on the consumer’s perspective. To this end they participate in Quality Improvement Study Meeting, where each Kao product is examined for its final pre-sales quality as well as quality improvement after post-launch, and Quality Management Meeting, where key quality-related measures and issues are discussed with the committee members.