Management Strategy and Mid-term Plan 2027 (K27)

K27 is an important milestone for delivering our Purpose to realize a Kirei World in which all life lives in harmony. Through K27, we will transform our business model and evolve into a company that protects future lives. Furthermore, we will accelerate our value creation and profitable development in cooperation with our many partners tackling the challenges of social issues.
Kao has set “Sustainability as the only path” and “Protecting future lives” as its vision in Mid-term Plan 2027 (K27) management goal for fiscal 2027.
The three basic policies to achieving these goals are “becoming an essential company in a sustainable world,” “transforming to build robust business through investment,” “and maximizing the power and potential of employees.”
The source of our growth is our five business domains, which are supported by our ESG strategy and our corporate philosophy, The Kao Way.
Through K27, we aim to become a company with a global presence and valuable to society by FY2030, and in the long term, to achieve our Purpose, to realize a Kirei World in which all life lives in harmony.

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