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Kao Recognized as Supplier Engagement Leader by CDP for Seventh Consecutive Year

has been recognized, for the seventh consecutive year, as a Supplier Engagement leader for its initiatives in reducing carbon emissions and tackling climate change across its supply chain through the Supplier Engagement Rating, organized by CDP, an international nonprofit organization that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse emissions.
The Supplier Engagement Rating evaluates how effectively companies are working with their suppliers on climate change issues. Supplier engagement efforts are evaluated through several questions on CDP’s climate change questionnaire in the categories of governance, targets, value chain (scope 3) emissions and supplier engagement. Kao was recognized as a Supplier Engagement leader on the basis of a high appraisal of Kao’s efforts to influence its suppliers. 

In April 2019, the Kao Group established the Kirei Lifestyle Plan, an ESG strategy. Since its start in 2021, the Kao Group Mid-term Plan has proclaimed “protecting future lives” and promoting “sustainability as the only path” as its vision. Working together with its suppliers, Kao will continue to deepen its understanding of climate change and of the risks and opportunities relating to water resources and forests, so as to reduce carbon emissions across our products’ lifecycle. The Kao Group will continue to integrate its ESG strategy into its management practices. It will also develop its business, provide better products and services for consumers and society, and work toward its purpose, “to realize a Kirei world in which all life lives in  harmony.”

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