Measures to Contribute to Society


In line with the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) strategy of Kao Group, Kao Indonesia strives to continuously taking real actions on social contribution which is locally implemented under the umbrella of Caring Innovation, where every innovation in product and service carried out by Kao Indonesia, always based on a sense of care for improving the quality of life of the Indonesia society, which focuses on promoting health and a sustainable environment.

Kao International Environment Painting Contest for Children

Since 2010, Kao Indonesia has been committed to continuously contributing to raising children's awareness as the future generation to start taking real actions to care for the environment starting with simple things by expressing ideas and hopes for a better earth through the Kao International Environment Painting Contest for Children. With the theme "Together, Let's Make Our Environment Sustainable", this annual painting competition is one of PT Kao Indonesia's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs under the Kao Group which is representative of Indonesia.

Through this competition, Kao invites children throughout Indonesia to express their hopes for a better world. The enthusiasm of children in Indonesia itself in welcoming the International Children's Painting Competition program is very large. It is proven that from 2014 to 2022, there are more than 3000 children who take part in this competition every year.

In 2020 and 2021, Indonesian children won awards for the 'Kao Prize' and 'Eco Friend Prize' categories which are the international winners in the Kao Environmental Painting Competition for the Eleventh and Twelfth Children, namely:
Sophie Naysa Gunawan (10 years old), with a work entitled "Stitching The Earth" – Kao Prize for the Eleventh Kao Environmental Painting Contest for Children

Syifa Azka Asilah Siregar (7 years old), with a work entitled "The Roots of My Home Tree" – Kao Prize for the Twelfth Kao Environmental Painting Contest for Children

Laetitia Qatra (13 years old), with a work entitled "Humans and All Animals Can Swim Freely in Clean Seas" – Eco Friend Prize for the Eleventh Kao Environmental Painting Competition for Children

Hafiza Naura (12 years old), with a work entitled "Let's Save Our Environment" – Eco Friend Prize for the for Twelfth Kao Environmental Painting Contest for Children

Aqila Dewi Salsabila (7 years old), with a work entitled "Cheerful Colors with Laughter of Healthy Environment" – Eco Friend Prize for the Twelfth Kao Environmental Painting Competition for Children
Sherly Vermont Kwerni (15 years old), with a work entitled "Save Our Ocean, Save Our Future" – Eco Friend Prize for the Twelfth Kao Environmental Painting Contest for Children

Hopefully through this activity, children can become agents of change in the present and in the future to create a healthy and clean environment.


Health Education and Promotion Program

Kao Indonesia has continuously conduct an educational programs that focus on promoting health and the environment since 2016. This educational program is one of the implementations of PT Kao Indonesia's ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) activities as a form of the company's commitment to contribute in improving the quality of life of the community.

This educational program began with the Anak KAO Program (Creative, Active, and Optimistic) in 2016 by providing education about the importance of maintaining personal hygiene and the environment around us to elementary school-aged children in grades 4, 5, and 6 and continued by expanding the target coverage to junior high school students and adding educational topics about Self Esteem.

Through this program, Kao Indonesia has educated 100 schools and more than 15,000 children in Public, Private, Pesantren and Madrasahs that focuses in the Greater Jakarta area (Jabodetabek), especially schools located around Kao Indonesia's production facilities and work areas.

In 2021, Kao Indonesia will also receive support from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, which is marked by the signing of an Agreement between Kao Indonesia and the General Secretary of Ministry of Health for the continuation of Anak KAO program which focuses on and carries the theme of Clean and Healthy Lifestyle, Protocol Health at school and at home, as well as motivation to learn in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic situation.

This activity was carried out in a hybrid manner (online and offline) at 25 schools in Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) and has educated a total of more than twenty thousand school-age children.

Of course, Kao Indonesia will continue to make social contributions continuously through various corporate and brand activities to improve the quality of life for every Indonesian family.


Kao Care Box

Covid-19 has changed the world and Indonesia as well as our lives. How we interact and work.

As a form of appreciation for medical task force who are on the front line in the Covid-19 pandemic and also as a support for the government's efforts to increase public awareness of the importance of health protocols, Kao Indonesia has distributed Kao Care Boxes and 1000 Attack packages and 19,428 products to Health Workers in RSDC Wisma Atlet in 2020 and 2021.

In 2020, Kao Indonesia also released a reminder video related to the implementation of health protocols on various corporate and brand communication channels.


Covid-19 Prevention

Kao Indonesia continues to strive to contribute in preventing the transmission of Covid-19 in Indonesia by supporting the Government's efforts. Contributions are made in various efforts, both internal and external.

In 2020, Kao Indonesia distributed Biore products, Attack detergent as well as fund donations to the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), also in collaboration with JICA donated 1500 hygiene products in five provinces in Indonesia, distributed 25 portable sinks to BPBD Bekasi, conducted Kao Care Box activities for medical taskforce handling Covid-19.

Di tahun 2021, Kao Indonesia mendukung program vaksinasi Covid-19 yang dicanangkan pemerintah dengan berpartisipasi dalam program Vaksinasi Gotong Royong serta menyediakan fasilitas vaksinasi bagi seluruh karyawan sehingga karyawan dapat memperoleh vaksinasi lengkap. Tidak hanya itu, Kao Indonesia juga terus berkontribusi dengan menerapkan protocol kesehatan yang ketat serta pengaturan jadwal kerja sesuai dengan kebijakan pemerintah yang berlaku.

In 2021, Kao Indonesia supports the Covid-19 vaccination program launched by the government through participation in the Gotong Royong Vaccination program and providing vaccination facilities for all employees so that employees can receive complete vaccinations. Also, Kao Indonesia continues to contribute by implementing strict health protocols and setting work schedules in accordance with applicable government policies.

Hopefully every activity carried out can contribute to the handling and prevention of Covid-19 transmission in the work environment and Indonesia.


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