
  • News Release
  • Sustainability

Kao Indonesia Supports Stunting Prevention with Posyandu Cadres

- Kao Indonesia is committed to continuously improving the quality of life of the Indonesian people through its products and services.
- Kao Indonesia supports the Indonesian Ministry of Health's Stunting Prevention Program by increasing the capability of Posyandu cadres as the frontline for maternal and child health.
- Kao Indonesia contributes to raise awareness of Clean and Healthy Behavior as an effort to prevent stunting.

Jakarta March 17, 2023 – Kao Indonesia held an education program to empower Posyandu Cadres in the context of stunting prevention. This activity is a concrete manifestation of Kao Indonesia's support for the Indonesian Ministry of Health's Stunting Prevention program, where this activity was held on March 17 2023 at the Kelurahan Menteng Atas Office which was attended by Wisik Restu as Ass. Vice President of Corporate Communications Kao Indonesia, Wahyuni as Secretary of Kelurahan Menteng Atas and Zulmiwati as Head of Welfare Section for Kelurahan Menteng Atas and representatives from PKK, Posyandu Cadres, Dasawisma Cadres, and RPTRA in Kelurahan Menteng Atas.

In this education & empowerment activity, the Cadres were given education and training related to basic communication in conducting socialization to society in Posyandu. This has become one of the focuses of Kao Indonesia, to improve the skills of cadres when providing counseling both in terms of delivery, mastery of material, self-confidence, which is supported by good non-verbal communication so hopefully the information related to maternal and child health and stunting prevention counseling will be fully conveyed especially for Pregnant Women, Breastfeeding Moms, and Toddler Moms.

Wisik Restu, Ass. The Vice President of Kao Indonesia said "Kao Indonesia has an ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Strategy that is implemented locally under the theme Caring Innovation and becomes the foundation of all innovations carried out by Kao Indonesia through products and services in an effort to improve the quality of life of consumers, one of them is by continuing to make social contributions that focus on promoting health and the environment in a sustainable manner and which is of course in line with the Government, in this case the Indonesian Ministry of Health, which is currently focusing on stunting prevention."

As one of the official partners of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Kao Indonesia strives to be able to play a role and contribute to improving the quality of life of the community through product innovation and other social contribution activities, especially in the form of education and promotion of personal and environmental hygiene. Together with the Ministry of Health's Working Team, Kao Indonesia compiled stunting prevention educational materials which contained an appeal for the ABCDE Steps, basic checks and Isi Piringku with different age targets.

On the same occasion, Kao Indonesia also provided support for Posyandu in the form of Flip Module, Educational Posters for Stunting Prevention and Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS) and Bioré hand washing soap products which can support PHBS at Posyandu.

"Kao Indonesia realizes that the implementation of Clean and Healthy Behavior is one of the basic efforts in preventing stunting, so that through this activity hopefully it can have positive impact and contribute to preventing stunting in line with the program of the Indonesian Ministry of Health." closed Wisik Restu as Ass. Vice President of Kao Indonesia.



1-2. Basic Communication and Stunting Prevention Education Session for Posyandu Cadres.


3. Symbolic Handover of Kao Indonesia Product Support to Posyandu.


4. Group Photo.

About Kao Indonesia

Kao Indonesia creates high-value-added products and services that provide care and enrichment for the life of all people and the planet. Through its portfolio of over several leading brands such as Attack, Bioré, Laurier, Liese, Merries, Men's Biore, Magiclean, Megrhythm and Jergens, Kao Indonesia becomes part of the everyday lives of people in Indonesia. With the vision to be the closest to individual and beyond their expectation, currently Kao Indonesia operates two production facilities as well as a logistics center that ensures Kao Indonesia's products can be present and reach all Indonesian people. Visit the Kao Indonesia website for the latest information at https://www.kao.com/id/, Facebook and Instagram @kao.indonesia.

For details and media inquiry, please contact:

Arly Diana Putri
Corporate Communications PT Kao Indonesia

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